January 28, 2015

SEKAI NO OWARI 世界の終わり Dragon Night English translation/lyrics


I thought I'd translate this because this is our "song" for our Japanese class that we're going to learn how to sing. it's really catchy and I love the lyrics!!


こよいは ひゃくまんねんにいちど  たいよう が しずんで よる が おとずれる ひ
おわり の こない ような たたかい も  こよいは きゅうせんして  しゅくはい を あげる

tonight is the day that, once in a million years, the sun sinks and the night arrives
the fight that seems endless too, tonight we'll cease fire and give toasts


ひとは それぞれ『せいぎ』があって、あらそい あう のは しかたないのかもしれない
だけど  ぼくのきらいな『かれ』も  かれなり の りゆうがある と おもうんだ

people have each and every single "right", and it might be that nothing can be done about our disputes meeting
but I think there's a reason "he's" becoming the "person" I hate

ドラゴンナイト 今宵、僕たちは友達のように歌うだろう

ドラゴンナイト こよい、ぼくたちはともだちのようにうたうだろう

dragon night, tonight, we'll be singing like friends
moonlight, starry sky, fire bird
tonight, we'll dance like we're friends



tonight, once in a million years, is the day that the sun arrives at night to play
the fight that seems endless too, tonight we'll light the flames of proof of our truce



people have each and every single "right", and it might be that nothing can be done about our disputes meeting
but my "right" has surely been hurting him

ドラゴンナイト 今宵、僕たちは友達のように歌うだろう

ドラゴンナイト こよい、ぼくたちはともだちのようにうたうだろう

dragon night, tonight, we'll sing like we're friends
congratulations, 'gratulations, 'gratulations
tonight, we'll end our fight

ドラゴンナイト 今宵、僕たちは友達のように歌うだろう

ドラゴンナイト こよい、ぼくたちはともだちのようにうたうだろう

dragon night, tonight we'll sing like we're friends
moonlight, starry sky, fire bird
tonight, we'll dance like we're friends

January 22, 2015

sakanaction スローモーション English lyrics (+ lyrics written in hiragana, no romaji)

no romaji this time because it's healthier for Japanese learners as a whole I think!

降り落ちる雪はスロー 少し黙って僕はそれを見てた
何もない夜はスロー 少し黙って僕は冬を感じて

ふりおちるゆきはスロー すこしだまってぼくはそれをみてた
さむいんだけどまどは あえてあけっぱなしにしておいたよ
なにもないよるはスロー すこしだまってぼくはふゆをかんじて
さむいんだけどうわぎは あえておきっぱなしでえきへむかったよ

the snow that falls is slow, I was watching it, a little bit quiet
it's cold, but I've dared to leave the window open
the empty night is slow, I can feel the winter, I'm a little quiet
it's cold, but I've dared to abandon my coat; I faced the station

ほら終駅着きまだ降りず なぜか心の奥で考えてました
くだらない くだらないことですぐ悩む

ほらしゅうえきつきまだおりず なぜかこころのおくでかんがえてました
くだらない くだらないことですぐなやむ

look, without getting off at the last station, for some reason deep in my heart I was thinking
worthless, with such a worthless thing I soon grow troubled

だけど集積せずに放り出す なぜか僕はそうして生きてました
つまらない つまらないことですぐ悩む 泣いたフリした

だけどしゅうせきせずにほうりだす なぜかぼくはそうしていきてました
つまらない つまらないことですぐなやむ ないたフリした

but instead of accumulating it I throw it out, for some reason I've done so and have been living like this
boring, with such a boring thing I soon grow troubled, I pretended to cry

行けない つらりつらりと行けない
ふわりふわり漂う 僕はまるで雪のよう

いけない つらりつらりといけない
ふわりふわりただよう ぼくはまるでゆきのよう

it's no use, (in a row in a row)* it's all useless
in other words, in other words, it's in slow motion
I'm softly, softly floating, as if I were just like snow

振り落ちる雪はスロー 白く曇った窓はまるで僕のよう
寂しいのは雪から雨に変わったせいで 意味はないけど

ふりおちるゆきはスロー しろくくもったまどはまるでぼくのよう
さびしいのはゆきから あめにかわったせいで いみはないけど

the snow that falls is slow, the window that clouds up into white is like me
loneliness is caused by snow turning into rain, even though it doesn't make sense

ほら終点着き走り出す なぜか心の奥に君はいました
白い息 白い息吐きながら思う
だけど終電過ぎ自由になる 夜は心へ僕を閉じ込めました
戻れない 戻れないこのもどかしさに泣いたフリした

ほらしゅうてんつきはしりだす なぜかこころのおくにきみはいました
しろいいき しろいいきはきながらおもう
だけどしゅうでんすぎじゆうになる よるはこころへぼくをとじこめました
もどれない もどれないこのもどかしさにないたフリした

look, (when) I arrive at the last stop I start to run, for some reason you were there inside of my heart
I think while breathing out white breaths, white breaths
but the last train passes and becomes free, the night locked me up in my heart
I can't go back, I can't go back to this irritation, I pretended to cry

行けない つらりつらりと行けない
ふわりふわり漂う 僕はまるで雪のよう

it's no use, (in a row in a row) it's all useless
in other words, in other words, it's in slow motion
I'm softly, softly floating, as if I were just like snow

だんだん減る(へる) だんだん減る だんだん減る未来(みらい) 未来
だんだん知る(しる) だんだん知る だんだん知る未来

gradually decreasing, gradually decreasing, gradually decreasing future, future
the future you're gradually knowing, gradually knowing, gradually knowing of

行けない つらりつらりと行けない
ふわりふわり漂う 僕はまるで雪のよう

it's no use, (in a row in a row) it's all useless
in other words, in other words, it's in slow motion
I'm softly, softly floating, as if I were just like snow

* I'm not familiar at all with つらりつらり so I tried looking it up. I couldn't find it in any dictionaries so I googled it in Japanese, which told me that some synonyms include ずらり (in a row) 全体に行き渡る (diffusing/spreading out in general). so I don't entirely understand this sentence and would like some help if anyone knows! つらりつらりの意味が分かるのなら教えてください

January 11, 2015

【初音ミクオリジナル】 ココロの質量 English translation + romaji lyrics


残った思い出が 重たすぎるのならば
ココロを捨てよう ああ

nokotta omoide ga omotasugiru no naraba
kokoro wo suteyou aa

if my left-behind memories become too heavy
I'll throw away my heart, aah

あの日の夕焼け空を 今でも思い浮かべるよ
だけど 鞄も 服さえ捨てて それでも浮かばないのなら
いつの日か吹き消える そう分かってても

ano hi no yuuyake sora wo ima demo omoiukaberu yo
dakedo, kaban mo fuku sae sutete soredemo ukabanai no nara
nani wo houru no?
itsu no hi ka fuki kieru sou wakattetemo
dareka ni oboeteite hoshii yo

even now, I'm still being reminded of that day's sunset sky
however, if I throw away my bags and even my clothes but I still don't fly
what will I abandon then?
even though I understand that someday it'll be blown away,
I want to be remembered by someone

湧き出た感情が 縛り付けるのならば
羽ばたくこの翼は折れてしまう 運命だから
何もかも消え それでもまだ飛べない
抱えた記憶が ああ

wakideta kanjou ga shibaritsukeru no naraba
habataku kono tsubasa wa orete shimau unmei dakara
nanimo kamo kie soredemo mada tobenai
kakaeta kioku ga aa

if I tie up the emotions that gushed out
these wings that flap are broken, because that's just fate
everything disappears, and yet I still can't fly
these memories I once carried, aah

秤に登ってみれば 指された 21g 心が沈む
いつの日か吹き消える そう分かってても

hakari ni nobotte mireba sasareta nijuuichi guramu kokoro ga shizumu
itsu no hi ka fuki kieru sou wakattetemo
dareka ni oboeteite hoshii yo

when I try to climb up on the weight scale, it says 21 grams, my heart sinks
even though I understand that someday it'll be blown away,
I want to be remembered by someone

掴んだ暖かさが 手離さないのならば
優しい引力へと落ちてしまう 軌道に乗るよ
伝えそびれた想いばかり 浮かんで

tsukanda atatakasa ga te hanasanai no naraba
yasashii inryokuhe to ochiteshimau kidou ni noru yo
tsutaesobireta omoi bakari ukande
yuuyake sora he to

if my hands won't part from the warmth I caught
I'll fall into kind gravity, I'm right on track
only the feelings that I missed the chance to convey start to fly
to the sunset sky

残った思い出が 重たすぎるとしても
荷物ばかりの 言葉も時も 存在さえ手放し
ココロを捨てよう ああ

nokotta omoide ga omotasugiru to shitemo
tobitatsu sono jikan ni natteshimau
nimotsu bakari no kotoba mo toki mo sonzai sae tebanashi
kokoro wo suteyou aa

even if my left-behind memories become too heavy
I'll jump up and become that time
nothing but luggage, the words and the time, survival without holding on
I'll throw away my heart, aah

残った思い出が 重たすぎるのならば
ココロを捨てよう ああ

nokotta omoide ga omotasugiru no naraba
kokoro wo suteyou aa

if my left-behind memories become too heavy
I'll throw away my heart, aah

January 2, 2015

【初音ミク】Human English translation/lyrics


君はぼくのこと どんな風に 思っていたのかを知りたくてさ。

I want to know what you've been thinking about me, however way you do
calling from the corner of the science room,
come, I'm asking
"who are you?"


what am I among all of you?
I want to know
I like you / the feeling is mutual / I want you
which of these is true?
do you know?


I am an alien
where are you, I wonder?
let me try to take you along
you, a model of the human body


we are patrons of life
even though that's just a lie
goodbye / bye bye / see you tomorrow
which of these is true?
do you know?


I am an alien
and where are you, I wonder?
let me try to take you along
you, a model of the human body

goodbye, I have to go soon