February 9, 2015

【鏡音リン】炉心融解 Kagamine Rin | Meltdown | English translation explained in detail (word-by-word)

I figured I should go through a detailed explanation of how I translate things, and also how to make sense of this very popular song through translating it.

This is a long post, so be aware.

街明かり 華やか
エーテル麻酔 の 冷たさ
眠れない 午前二時
全てが 急速に変わる

まち = town/street/city
あかり = light
はなやか = brilliant, bright, showy

So, the first line would be "Brilliant street lights" or "The street lights are bright".

エーテル = ether
ますい = anesthesia
の = possessive; indicates that the noun previously mentioned owns/possesses what comes after the "no".
つめたさ = coldness (like つめたい, except changed into noun form by adding "sa" onto the end)

We have "ether anesthesia" at the beginning. What's connected to that with the possessive "no"? The coldness. So: "The coldness of ether anesthesia."

ねむれない = to be unable to sleep/cannot sleep
ごぜん = A.M.
にじ = 2 o'clock (lit. 2 hour)

In Japanese, you don't have to say "I" at the beginning of each sentence--sometimes it's just assumed. She COULD be talking about another person, but for now we'll assume it's in first person, making the first part "I cannot sleep" and then adding "2 AM" onto the last part.

すべて = everything
きゅうそく = rapid
かわる = to change

Japanese is a SOV language, while English is SVO, so the verb always comes at the end of the sentence. We can kind of guess by the words around it what the whole sentence is supposed to mean.

Here に, a locator particle, is used to describe HOW the verb happens, if that makes any sense. 全てが変わる。Everything changes. How does everything change? 全てがきゅうそくに変わる。It changes RAPIDLY. So I would translate this last part as "everything changes rapidly".

Finally we bring it all together:

Brilliant street lights
The coldness of ether anesthesia
I can't sleep, it's two A.M.
Everything is changing rapidly

and then move onto the next one.

全てがそう嘘なら 本当に よかったのにね

オイル切れのライター = an oil-lit lighter.

やけつく = to burn/cook
ような = as if, like, similar to (comparing two things)
いのなか = inside of stomach, middle of stomach

すべて = everything
そう = really, truly, so
うそ = lie(s)
なら = if
ほんとうに = really
よかった = past-tense form of adj. "good, fine" so it literally means "that was good/it was good", but in this sense means "thank goodness" or "I'm so glad/I'd be so glad".
のに = and yet, despite, even though
ね = indicates emphasis OR prompts the person the speaker is addressing to agree with them

We'd translate this second part as:

An oil-lit lighter
As if the inside of my stomach is burning
If everything is really a lie, I'd be glad/fine with that

君の細い喉が跳ねるのを 泣き出しそうな眼で見ていた

きみ = you (informal but common. used with friends, NOT superiors)
くび = neck
を = particle that connects the verb with the noun: since Japanese is a SOV language, it may be easy to get the subject and object confused. Which one is being verb'ed? This particle helps you know which is connected to the verb--AKA, which is the object.
しめる = to strangle/constrict
ゆめをみた = past tense of "to dream" (literally: "I saw a dream")

"I dreamt I was strangling your neck".

ひかり = light
あふれる = to overflow, brim over (with)
ひるさがり = early afternoon

"(in) the early afternoon overflowing with light"

This next one's a bit complicated.

ほそい = thin, slender
のど = throat
はねる = to jump/leap
のを = like "wo" by itself, except used after verbs, usually (as far as I know).
なきだしそうな = like (I will) burst into tears, seeming to burst into tears (nakidasu means to burst into tears/start to cry. The "sou" makes it seem like she feels like it'll happen, or like it's about to happen).
め = eye(s)
で = indicates location but also is translated as "with" when paired with an object.
みていた = to have seen/to be seeing

"I watched your slender throat leap with eyes that started to burst into tears".

So our final translation is:

I dreamt I was strangling your neck
(In) the early afternoon overflowing with light
I watched your slender throat leap, with eyes that started to burst into tears

And now to the chorus:

飛び込んでみたい と思う
真っ青な 光 包まれて奇麗
飛び込んでみたら そしたら

かくゆうごうろ = nuclear fusion reactor
にさ = to, into
とびこんで = to jump in/leap in
みたい = to want to try. At the end of a -de/-te form of verb, "miru" means to "try something". With "tobikonde", it literally means "to jump in and see (what happens)".
と = this means "with" or "and", but here it's used to "quote" what the speaker feels.
おもう = to think/feel

So this would be "I think I want to try to jump into the nuclear reactor".

まっさおな = deep blue
ひかり = light
つつまれて = passive form of "to wrap up/envelop/engulf" -- the passive form would be "to be wrapped up/enveloped in".
きれい = beautiful, pretty

"Enveloped in a beautiful, deep blue light".

とびこんでみたら = like "I want to try to jump in" except this is "mitara" instead of "mitai". So it means more along the lines of "when/if I try to jump in".
そしたら = then, after that then

"If I try to dive into the nuclear reactor, then..."

ゆるされる = passive verb. "To be allowed/permitted."
気がして = to get the feeling, to have a certain feeling that something will happen.

"I feel like everything will be allowed".

Final translation:

I think I want to jump into the nuclear reactor
Enveloped in a deep blue, beautiful light
If I try to dive into the nuclear reactor,
then I feel like everything will be allowed

陰り出した空が 窓ガラスに 部屋に落ちる

ベランダ = veranda/balcony
むこうがわ = other/opposite side

On the other side of the balcony

かいだん = stairs
のぼってゆく = to ascend, to go up, to go and ascend
おと = sound(s), noise

The sound of someone going up the stairs

かげりだした = darkened, starting to darken/get cloudy
そら = sky
まど = window
ガラス = glass
へや = room
おちる = to fall

The darkened sky falls on the windowpane and in the room

融けるように少しずつ 少しずつ死んでゆく世界

かくさんする = to scatter, spread about
ゆうぐれ = evening, twilight
なきはらした = to have cried one's eyes out
ひ = day
あか = red, redness
とける = to melt
ように = as if, like
すこしずつ = little by little
しんでゆく = starting to/going to die
せかい = world

The scattered evening
The redness of the day as if it cried its eyes out
This world is dying as if melting little by little, slowly

乾いて切れた唇から 零れる言葉は泡のよう

"I dreamt of (me) strangling your neck."

はるかぜ = spring breeze/wind
ゆれる = to sway/shake
カーテン = curtains

"The curtains swaying in the spring breeze."

かわいて = to get dry
きれた = to be cut
くちびる = lips
から = from
こぼれる = to spill, to overflow/fall out
ことば = word(s)
あわ = foam, froth
のよう = like, as if, just like

"The words that spilled out from your dried and cut-up lips were like foam."

I dreamt of strangling your neck
The curtains swaying in the spring breeze
The words that spilled out from your dried-up cut lips were like foam

飛び込んでみたい と思う
真っ白に 記憶 融かされて消える
飛び込んでみたら また昔みたいに 眠れるような そんな気がして

Similar and practically identical to the first chorus, except for a few changes:

まっしろ = pure white
きおく = memories
とかされて = to be combed out/melted
きえる = to disappear

また = again
むかし = olden days, the past
みたいに = just like, sort of, similar to
ねむれる = to sleep

Final translation:

I think I want to jump into the nuclear reactor
My memories will melt away and disappear into whiteness
If I jump into the nuclear reactor, I get the feeling that I'll fall asleep just like in the past

見えない誰かの笑い声 飽和して反響する

とけい = clock
びょうしん = second hand of clock
テレビ = TV (literally: televi)
しかいしゃ = chairperson, chairman
や = this means "and" but in a different sense than just "and" by itself... It means "this thing AND other things like it" without listing all those other things because it would be tedious to list all the other things, there are so many of them.
みえない = to be unable to see, to be unseen
だれか = someone
わらいごえ = laughter (literally: laughing voice)
ほうわ = saturation
はんきょうする = to echo, to reverberate

The second hand of the clock and the chairman on the TV (and etc.)
They're all there, but
The laughter of someone I can't see saturates and echoes

耳鳴りが消えない 止まない
耳鳴りが消えない 止まない

アレグロアジテート = allegro agitato... something to do with music and repercussion or something but I wouldn't know anything about this because I quit band in like 5th grade.

みみなり = buzzing/ringing in ears
やまない = to not stop

Allegro agitato
The ringing in my ears won't go away, it won't stop
Allegro agitato
The ringing in my ears won't go away, it won't stop

真夜中の 部屋の広さと静寂が
上手に 息ができなくなる

だれも = everyone, anyone (translated as "no one" with negative verb)
みんな = everyone
まよなか = midnight
ひろさ = space, vastness, extent
せいじゃく = silence, stillness
むね = chest
つっかえて = to be blocked, to choke, to feel pressure
じょうず = skillfully, well
いき = breath, breathing
できなくなる = to become unable to (do something).

I dreamt that everyone disappeared
The silence and width of the room at midnight
I feel a pressure on my chest
I become unable to breath properly


飛び込んでみたら そしたら
きっと眠るように 消えていけるんだ
今よりずっと 素晴らしくて
きっと そんな世界だ

きっと = surely, certainly
ねむる = to sleep
きえていけるんだ = to disappear

ぼく = me (masculine term)
いない = without (neg. verb for "to be" for an ANIMATE object, AKA a person)
あさ = morning

ぼくのいないあさ = a morning without me

いま = now
より = more than (comparing two things)
ずっと = always
すばらしくて = wonderful
はぐるま = gears, cogs
かみあった = to be in gear, to mesh together

Final translation:

If I jump into the nuclear reactor,
Then surely I'll disappear as if falling asleep
A morning without me
(Would be) more wonderful than now
All of the gears meshed together
Surely, that sort of world

...aaand that's pretty much it. If you have any questions about the translation or anything I didn't make clear (I know I kinda rushed it I'm very busy sorry) please let me know. お返事したならありがとうございました

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