May 18, 2014

トリノコシティ Left-Behind City English translation (+ romaji lyrics)

a song that tons of people have translated, but I wanted to take a shot at it myself. the lyrics are really interesting! it sounds kind of like a song about someone wanting to be independent and do things on their own, but feeling as if they're being left behind in the process and realizing that being isolated ≠ being independent. idk ignore my commentary and enjoy the song.

間違いだらけの コミュニケーション
アナタの名前は 何ですか?
10文字以内で 答エヨ

zero to ichi ga kousasuru chiten
machigai darake no komyunikeeshon
anata no namae wa nan desu ka?
juu moji inai de kotae yo

at the point where 0 and 1 intersect*
is communication full of mistakes
what is your name?
answer within 10 letters

過去と未来が 交差する地点
行く宛を失った 現在地
アナタはどうして 生きているの?
100文字以内で 答エヨ

kako to mirai ga kousa suru chiten
yuku ate wo ushinatta genzaichi
anata wa doushite ikiteiru no?
hyaku moji inai de kotae yo

at the point where future and pass intersect
my present location is where I've lost my destination
why are you alive?
answer within 100 letters

過去最高速の 夜が明ける
バランス取ることも できないまま

kakosaikousoku no yoru ga akeru
baransu toru koto mo dekinai mama

the dawn breaks at record high speed
and it seems I can't regain my balance either

自分だけどこか 取り残された
音の無い世界 造られた世界
傷んだ果実を 捨てるだけなら
2人もいらない 1人で出来るから

jibun dake dokoka torinoko sareta
oto no nai sekai, tsukurareta sekai
itanda kajitsu wo suteru dake nara
futari mo iranai hitori de dekiru kara

I was left behind somewhere by myself
in a world with no sound, a world that was built up
if all you're doing is throwing away damaged fruit
then that doesn't need two people cause I can do it by myself

昼と夜が 交差する地点
誰かに会いたくて 会えなくて
ワタシの名前は 何ですか?
10文字以内で 教えて

hiru to yoru ga kousa suru chiten
dareka ni aitakute aenakute
watashi no namae wa nan desu ka?
juu moji inai de oshiete

at the point where midday and night intersect
I want to meet someone but I cannot
what is my name?
explain to me within 10 letters

嘘と本当が 交差する地点
呼吸が止まりそうな 閉塞感
ワタシはどうして 生きているの?
100文字以内で 教えて

uso to hontou ga kousa suru chiten
kokyuu ga tomarisou na heisokukan
watashi wa doushite ikiteiru no?
hyaku moji inai de oshiete

at the point where lies and truth intersect
I have the locked up feeling that my breath is stopping
why am I alive?
explain to me within 100 letters

好き 嫌い 好き 嫌い の繰り返しで
疲れきった愛は もういらない

suki kirai suki kirai no kurikaeshi de
tsukarekitta ai wa mou iranai

with the repetition of love, hate, love, hate
this worn-out love I no longer need!

時間だけいつも 通り過ぎていく
1秒ごとに 崩れていく世界
歪んだ景色に 塗りつぶされた
こたえはいらない 偽りでいいの

jikan dake itsumo toorisugiteiku
ichibyou goto ni kuzureteyuku sekai
iganda keshiki ni nuritsubu sareta
kotae wa iranai, itsuwari de ii no

time is the only thing always passing through
a world that is collapsing second-by-second
I was painted out in the warped scenery
I don't need your answer, I'm fine with fabrication

自分だけどこか 取り残された
色のない世界 夢に見た世界
傷んだ果実を 捨てることすら
1人じゃ出来ない 傍にいてほしくて

jibun dake dokoka torinoko sareta
iro no nai sekai, yume ni mita sekai
itanda kajitsu wo suteru koto sura
hitori ja dekinai, soba ni ite hoshikute

I was left behind somewhere by myself
in a world with no color, a world I saw in a dream
even if all I'm doing is throwing away damaged fruit
I can't do it by myself, I want you by my side

* translation note: "zero to ichi ga kousasuru chiten" actually more literally means "a point where 0 and 1 intersect". literally the two first verses together would mean "a point where 0 and 1 intersect is communication full of mistakes", but it also implies that at the point is where the communication takes place without having a particle to directly connect them.

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